I am a big fan of brand contests that combines the physical world with the cyber world. Not only because the content generated is more interesting but because it requires a deeper user engagement.
The recently launched Creme Egg Twisted candy bar campaign known as Operation Goo is a great example of this. Contestants have to solve clues to locate these candy bars, the clever thing is that they are judged by the amount of social media views or points they rack up - utilising social media to its full potential. The contestants (or brand ambassadors) are required to think creatively about their usage and execution of social media in order to gain the traction that is needed to win the competition.
You can read more about the campaign here.
Visit the competition site here.
The HBO Voyuer Project has a similar premise - people are required to solve a series of real world and digital clues to get the story behind the story. Read more about one of my all time favourite campaigns here.