Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Microsoft: Augmented-Reality Maps | Digital Buzz Blog

I guess everyone knows TED Conferences, remarkable speakers from around the world talks about new technologies, future of entertainment, design, science and global issues.

Two days ago I watched a video from TED 2010, Blaise Aguera y Arcas from Microsoft Live Labs has an impressive talk about their new technology: Augmented-Reality Maps. This technology creates some kind of 3D space instead of static images and users have a chance to connect a live video stream of any specific location.

Its just a demo and of course they managed it carefully but I’m really excited about the live connection part because these kind of technologies creates new spaces for new ideas.

Posted via web from nat ma's posterous

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Albert Exergian's modernist TV posters | Television & radio | The Guardian

Television imagery and artwork is rarely of a quality worth hanging on your walls. Welcome, then, Austrian designer Albert Exergian, who's created a series of modernist images inspired by TV shows.

Posted via web from nat ma's posterous